Saturday, March 24, 2012

Eating a boiled egg

I have read reports that boiled chicken egg is popular with French people. I want to eat more boiled eggs too. My question is, how is it served in France? Do they eat it with a sauce or with just salt?

Also, how long do you have to boil it for French standards?


first I%26#39;ve heard of it.... now fried egg ? that shows up on pizza, hamburgers, whatever. Very odd.


Hard-boiled egg is usually seen only at breakfast -- at which you eat it exactly the same as it%26#39;s eaten here in the US (with a knife and fork, though...eating with one%26#39;s fingers is still rude)

Sometimes you%26#39;ll see slices or wedges of egg on a salad or in a sandwich...but I%26#39;m fairly sure you%26#39;ll know how to handle those.


I think eating it with mayonaise would be good and still within the boundries of being French. I%26#39;ll have to try it this week.


People do have it with salad sometimes, often with mayonnaise. Hard boiled egg in mayonnaise used to be quite a common first course in France and elsewhere in Europe, but you don%26#39;t see it much now. For a soft boiled egg, boil for 3 to 4 minutes, 8-9 minutes for a hard one.

For health reasons it is now often advised that you do not eat more than four eggs a week, and definitely not more than an average of one a day. Too many can lead to constipation and other stomach problems.


It certainly isn%26#39;t considered exotic, or even quintessentially;s just a hard-boiled egg.


What about poached eggs on a salad?


There are many ways to prepare an egg and this any time of the day: a simple supper soft boiled (3 minutes), remove the cap and eat with buttered sticks of baguette, eat with a salad. Or you can do it poché with a wine sauce (ouefs meurette), or in omelette with mushrooms, or brouillé with truffles or salmon eggs. Hard boiled eggs can be served with mayonnaise (oeufs mayonnaise), or you can try a Piperade from the Basque region which has scrambled (brouillés) eggs.

All these ways are French ways of preparing eggs .. take your own pick, or try them all.

A World in a PAN (Paris)


You should try oeufs durs mayonnaise. It%26#39;s a popular hors d%26#39;oeuvre. Hard boiled egg with mayonnaise.


OK, I did boil 2 eggs and it was delicious with mayonaise. The only problem was that the shells cracked during the cooking processs. To me, this is abnormal. Maybe the heat was too high and I should have simmered.


Does that mean that boiled eggs aren%26#39;t eaten in America?

Over in the UK and France they are sometimes seen at breakfast, and as mentioned, in salads too.

Poached eggs (boiled without their shells) are also very popular at high-end restaurants.

To eat a boiled egg in its shell, you need to take a teaspoon and gently smash the top portion of the shell, and then remove the top part of the egg and then scoop out a mouthful at a time. Do not use a knife to cut it off, especially in the UK where this is frowned upon as poor etiquette as it makes a messier job of it.

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